eurotechnik, solution stockage agriculture, échauffour
eurotechnik, solution stockage agriculture, échauffour
EUROTECHNICK Le bon sens en action Common sense in action
EUROTECHNICKLe bon sens en actionCommon sense in action

Bolted structure storage tanks in galvanised steel or enamelled steel

We offer different types of above-ground tank: Corrugated galvanized steel sheets, and flat sheets of enamelled steel.

Tank Diameter Height Volume Use
Corrugated galvanised tank

From 1.78 to


from 0.9 to 


From 2 to


Sewage storage, clear water, pig slurry, Cattle slurry, poultry slurry, water for irrigation, dirty water from vine...

Enamelled tank

From 7.65 to 36m


1.42 to 5.80m

From 200 to 5900m3 Sewage storage, clear water, seawater, pig slurry, cattle slurry, poultry slurry, water for irrigation, industrial sewage, fire tank, digestor.....



Documentation available in Downloads p2

Heures d'ouverture / Open time

Du lundi au Vendredi

from Monday to Friday

9h00 - 12h00

14h00 - 18h00   

Actualités / News

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