eurotechnik, solution stockage agriculture, échauffour
eurotechnik, solution stockage agriculture, échauffour
EUROTECHNICK Le bon sens en action Common sense in action
EUROTECHNICKLe bon sens en actionCommon sense in action



Our company, which has been developped by a farming family, is highly experienced in professional agriculture and alert to the needs of its clients. Our expertise in dry and wet grain storage and our knowledge of animal welfare have inspired us to develop various products which you can view on this site. We will be attentive to your every need; we want to help you succeed.

Don't hesitate to contact us.

Eurotechnick specializes in dry and wet grain storage. With the help of our partners we can offer complete storage installations, or materials and parts for your existing equipment. On the strenght of our experience in using bolted enamelled steel structures in wet grain storage, we have devised a polyester storage silo for corn grain. This is a one piece silo, with no nuts and bolts, so no air can enter and total impermeability is guaranteed for many years.


We invite you to view our products page for more detailed information.


We hope you enjoy your visit to our website.

Heures d'ouverture / Open time

Du lundi au Vendredi

from Monday to Friday

9h00 - 12h00

14h00 - 18h00   

Actualités / News

Consultez les actualités de notre entreprise.


You can see the company actualities on News page.