Stabusol is an anti slip covering that is applied to new or old concrete. Applied to a thickness of 25 mm for animal traffic and 30mm for vehicle traffic.
The product is manufactured in a factory and transported by trucks which keep the product at the right temperature for applying it on the site.
Roughen a surface on demand
Degrees of surface roughness are obtained by applying more or less coarse sand to the top of the product as soon as the latter has been poured onto the base material. The silica grains of the more or less coarse sand, depending on its grading, become embedded in the preheated surface of the base material, thereby providing a more or less rough surface and the desired sense of traction.
An anti-bacterial covering
It is a completely solid covering which does not allow internal development of bacteria
Stabusol : Impermeability, thermal insulation, and sound proofing
Stabusol is a floor covering that provides thermal comfort owing to its insulating quality. In winter, the coldness of the ground cannot penetrate inside the building, so the warmth of the building is maintained.
It provides tactile comfort. The shockwave caused by the impact of an animal hoof is reduced by the product, thereby diminishing the associated sound effects. Thus, the atmosphere in the building is much more peaceful.
Sites with a minimum surface area of 100 m2 (France, Belgium, Netherland, Germany, Luxembourg, switzerland, Italy, spain)
For reasons concerning logistics and profitability, the minimum surface area is 100 m2 For France and more for other countries. Of course, the larger the surface, the lower the cost per m2. The cost is calculated according to the distance between the factory and the site and the size of the surface to be covered. This is why a quote is calculated on the customer's demand and a visit to the site is made to see if it is possible to apply the product to the proposed surfaces.
Du lundi au Vendredi
from Monday to Friday
9h00 - 12h00
14h00 - 18h00
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